Natural vs. Synthetic
Why natural products? Whenever we start with a natural molecule, we are building on
substances which nature has refined over thousands of years. These substances can be digested
and metabolized by our enzymes, liver and kidneys without any serious side effects. When we
ingest synthetic substances our organ systems do not have the proper digestive enzymes to
completely metabolize them, thus leading to many of the side effects we suffer from.
Everyone agrees that reducing digestive issues is desirable. It would be nice if we had
natural products with minimal side effects which could produce the same effects of. Thankfully
these natural products do exist and can be used successfully, sometimes in conjunction with
synthetic pharmaceuticals, but many times on their own. My goal here is not to tell you not to
use synthetic pharmaceuticals when necessary, but when feasible to replace them with natural
As pathogenic bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, scientists are looking to other means
to combat infections. We are seeing just the infancy in the use of probiotics and prebiotics, both
for health maintenance and for treating different medical conditions. Probiotics are the live
friendly bacteria or live friendly yeast that we can take as natural pharmaceuticals. As the
scientific literature documents, probiotics have a protective effect against allergy, eczema,
infection, diarrhea, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive issues and more.
I recommend that you find a doctor who understands and prescribes, when feasible, natural
pharmaceuticals for health maintenance, as well as alternatives to proton pump inhibitors and H2
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said that the order of health is first-regimen,
second-medicine and last-surgery. Regimen, according to Hippocrates, consisted of lifestyle,
diet, exercise, etc. Only after you exhaust different facets of regimen, do you move onto
medicine and only after you exhaust medicine do you move onto surgery. In this country we do
things backwards. First we do surgery, if that fails we use medicine and if medicine fails we go
to regimen. Only after surgery and medicine fail do we look towards alternative treatments.
Following Hippocrates advice let us use regimen first, medicine secondarily and surgery only as
a last resort.
substances which nature has refined over thousands of years. These substances can be digested
and metabolized by our enzymes, liver and kidneys without any serious side effects. When we
ingest synthetic substances our organ systems do not have the proper digestive enzymes to
completely metabolize them, thus leading to many of the side effects we suffer from.
Everyone agrees that reducing digestive issues is desirable. It would be nice if we had
natural products with minimal side effects which could produce the same effects of. Thankfully
these natural products do exist and can be used successfully, sometimes in conjunction with
synthetic pharmaceuticals, but many times on their own. My goal here is not to tell you not to
use synthetic pharmaceuticals when necessary, but when feasible to replace them with natural
As pathogenic bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, scientists are looking to other means
to combat infections. We are seeing just the infancy in the use of probiotics and prebiotics, both
for health maintenance and for treating different medical conditions. Probiotics are the live
friendly bacteria or live friendly yeast that we can take as natural pharmaceuticals. As the
scientific literature documents, probiotics have a protective effect against allergy, eczema,
infection, diarrhea, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive issues and more.
I recommend that you find a doctor who understands and prescribes, when feasible, natural
pharmaceuticals for health maintenance, as well as alternatives to proton pump inhibitors and H2
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said that the order of health is first-regimen,
second-medicine and last-surgery. Regimen, according to Hippocrates, consisted of lifestyle,
diet, exercise, etc. Only after you exhaust different facets of regimen, do you move onto
medicine and only after you exhaust medicine do you move onto surgery. In this country we do
things backwards. First we do surgery, if that fails we use medicine and if medicine fails we go
to regimen. Only after surgery and medicine fail do we look towards alternative treatments.
Following Hippocrates advice let us use regimen first, medicine secondarily and surgery only as
a last resort.