Supplements for a happy gut
Many people suffer from some kind of stomach issues. From heartburn to bloating and irritable bowel, to inflammatory bowel diseases. It is well known that our gut bacteria, the microbiome, plays an important role in these issues as well as in our brain health and overall general health.
What are the reasons our stomach is not happy?
It’s not the acid. The commonly held belief that too much acid is the cause of heartburn is not correct and sadly leads to the widespread and often unnecessary and chronic use of strong acid-blockers. In fact, when we get older our stomach acid usually declines and we can have too little acid. The reflux of acid (leading to heartburn) is not caused by the acid, but by a dysfunction of the sphincter muscle (a ring muscle) between the esophagus (the swallowing tube) and the stomach. This involuntary muscle is relaxed by certain foods, as well as by stress or pressure in the abdomen (eating too much at one time, pregnancy, constipation and obesity).
Why is stomach acid important?
Stomach acid is needed to break down proteins from our food (for example from meat, eggs, fish, poultry, nuts and beans) into amino acids. This is why often, even with adequate food intake there can be an amino acid deficiency. It is also essential for the absorption of vitamin B12, an important nutrient for our whole body and our energy levels. Stomach acid protects us from infections with micro-organisms that enter our body through food, which can disturb our gut bacteria.
Other reasons for stomach problems
Other common reasons are medications such as antibiotics and pain killers, toxins, stress and nutrient deficiencies, which lead to a so-called “leaky gut,” which in turn leads to immediate and delayed-type food allergies and chronic inflammation.
What can we do?
We cannot avoid medications like antibiotics, which are sometimes absolutely necessary. But we can eat a varied, nutritious diet which contains prebiotics and foods that support the “good” gut bacteria, as well as using supplements. There are many supplements that can help with stomach problems. The three most important ones are acid (either vinegars or hydrochloric acid), probiotics and digestive enzymes.
What is important when choosing a probiotic?
Probiotics should always contain several strains of bacteria (at least five different ones, among them bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and have at least 15 billion CFU (colony forming units) per capsule. Sometimes you need to experiment to find the one that works best for you. It is important to note that every person’s microbiome is different, even the ones of identical twins.
What about digestive enzymes?
Digestive enzymes can help to break down proteins, starches and fats from food. They can help to break down lactose and other sugars, starches, fats and proteins and support healthy stomach acid levels, especially when medications are necessary.
As always, supplements need be part of your “nutrition orchestra” to produce a great “symphony of life.” It is of no value just to have one component, for example the drummer, without the rest of the players.
Get the advice of an experienced health coach, nutritionist, dietician, doctor or pharmacist to get help for your individual situation.
What are the reasons our stomach is not happy?
It’s not the acid. The commonly held belief that too much acid is the cause of heartburn is not correct and sadly leads to the widespread and often unnecessary and chronic use of strong acid-blockers. In fact, when we get older our stomach acid usually declines and we can have too little acid. The reflux of acid (leading to heartburn) is not caused by the acid, but by a dysfunction of the sphincter muscle (a ring muscle) between the esophagus (the swallowing tube) and the stomach. This involuntary muscle is relaxed by certain foods, as well as by stress or pressure in the abdomen (eating too much at one time, pregnancy, constipation and obesity).
Why is stomach acid important?
Stomach acid is needed to break down proteins from our food (for example from meat, eggs, fish, poultry, nuts and beans) into amino acids. This is why often, even with adequate food intake there can be an amino acid deficiency. It is also essential for the absorption of vitamin B12, an important nutrient for our whole body and our energy levels. Stomach acid protects us from infections with micro-organisms that enter our body through food, which can disturb our gut bacteria.
Other reasons for stomach problems
Other common reasons are medications such as antibiotics and pain killers, toxins, stress and nutrient deficiencies, which lead to a so-called “leaky gut,” which in turn leads to immediate and delayed-type food allergies and chronic inflammation.
What can we do?
We cannot avoid medications like antibiotics, which are sometimes absolutely necessary. But we can eat a varied, nutritious diet which contains prebiotics and foods that support the “good” gut bacteria, as well as using supplements. There are many supplements that can help with stomach problems. The three most important ones are acid (either vinegars or hydrochloric acid), probiotics and digestive enzymes.
What is important when choosing a probiotic?
Probiotics should always contain several strains of bacteria (at least five different ones, among them bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and have at least 15 billion CFU (colony forming units) per capsule. Sometimes you need to experiment to find the one that works best for you. It is important to note that every person’s microbiome is different, even the ones of identical twins.
What about digestive enzymes?
Digestive enzymes can help to break down proteins, starches and fats from food. They can help to break down lactose and other sugars, starches, fats and proteins and support healthy stomach acid levels, especially when medications are necessary.
As always, supplements need be part of your “nutrition orchestra” to produce a great “symphony of life.” It is of no value just to have one component, for example the drummer, without the rest of the players.
Get the advice of an experienced health coach, nutritionist, dietician, doctor or pharmacist to get help for your individual situation.